Tuesday, August 14, 2007


just have a minute before bed...

the trip to the ER was thanks to half a cashew!! Victoria complaining of her throat hurting alot and was coughing like something went down the wrong way. she started geting a rash on her neck so I call our blue cross nurse line and said go straight to the ER. in the car her face and lips swelled all up and got red, the nurse took us straight back when i went to sign her home.. no waiting for us! The dr. and nurses were great but they had to stick Victoria 3 times before getting the IV line in her... she just wanted to go home!! Victoria did realy great and we got home about 9pm. So that was the excitement to the ER.

She rode the bus again today and now they moved the time back 10 minutes earlier, I'll have to get her up at almost 6am but she still wants to ride and is asking when she can ride it home.... when it gets cooler!!

Off to bed!


Dewdrop said...

Scary... a cashew, huh?

Jan said...

Eck, I am sure that was really scary!!! I'm glad she's ok!

Amber said...

So does she have a nut allergy or was it some freak thing? Crazy! I'm glad that she's okay though...and what a trooper going to school the next morning too! I totally wouldn't have!