Friday, May 23, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation!

She had the kindergarten graduation and celebration yesterday. All the K classes had a few songs and poems that they recited and then they did a number to 'New York, New York' Victoria was chosen as one of the dancers and was so excited about it. She had been practicing at home and did a great job!!!

Then they all lined up and said their name and received a certificate. She also won the Bus Award for excellent behavior on the bus. From what we understand each bus driver chose one student and she won for her bus, their were very few Kindergarteners who won this. We are so proud of her and she is very excited about First Grade.

More pictures soon.


ScrappyGuy said...

WOW! A bus award is really big! She must be amazingly well behaved. WTG, Victoria!

Jan said...

Aww!! Congratulations!!! How exciting!!

Dewdrop said...

Oh my gosh!!! So stinkin' cute!

byondbzr said...

Too cute!