Saturday, June 28, 2008

We have a swimmer among us....

Victoria and I had a great day yesterday. We started off going to the beach, built a great sandcastle with moat and a pool next door. We splashed around in the waves and took a walk to the pier.

We were supposed to play at the pool with a girl from a neighboring condo, but they were power washing the pool area so no play date.

So, we came home and had lunch, visited the local bead store and by the time we got back the pool area was done. She and I had a great time visiting with a baby at the pool and just playing around. Gran got her some goggles the other day and she has been jumping in with no one catching her! We practiced some swimming without her floaties but every time I let go of her hands she put her feet down. So we practiced a bit more and then she put her floaties back on. A bit later I was sitting out and she decided to practice with no floaties on her own. She gets out to the top of the steps and says she going to push off the bottom step.... as I watch her it was like slow motion for me to realize that SHE IS SWIMMING!!! No floaties, face IN the water, legs kicking, arms going, SWIMMING!!

I about jumped out of my seat, hopped in the pool and gave her a huge hug! So much for me drying off, lol. Her face just lit up as she realized what she had done! Then she kept practicing, pushing off from the step and just swimming away. We said that we'll have to show Daddy later and I made a comment that I would call him but I didn't have my phone with me. A great couple sitting next to us offered their phone and Daddy was soon at the pool watching his little girl swim on her own.

She is so excited to show Gran and Grandpa this morning and talking about her birthday pool party and swimming there next month.

After our pool adventure we cleaned up and had dinner. Then headed to the beach for some family photos. The wind was crazy!!! Trey was running around getting full of sand and therefore covered me in sand when I picked him up. Gran came down to get some pictures of the four of us, BUT all three sets of batteries that I had DIED! AAUGHH! Thankfully Gary had his film camera with us, but there is no telling how those pictures came out and we didn't get any of the four of us on the digital camera. The wind was really bad but I hope we got some shots, I think I got some good ones of the kids but I haven't looked through them yet.

The pool today, Panda movie this afternoon, and then time to pack it all up!

1 comment:

Dewdrop said...

Awesome!!! Congrats to Victoria.