Monday, April 07, 2008

A New Beginning...

That's what TLC is calling a complete change in the company that was announced in an email sent out at 4pm on Friday afternoon. I had been a consultant with TLC (Top-Line Creations) for a while now but I had lost a lot of interest when their focus went to Digital Scrapbooking, not my cup of tea. Well after this new 'shuffle' that broad sided everyone I'm not sure I want to stay with the company anymore.

There are no longer consultants or down lines and no commission from sales. This really doesn't effect me as I have not been active in so long, but some others have made this their living and have been able to stay at home doing a wonderful job building their business... those are the ones that my thoughts go out to as they had absolutely no notice of these changes!!

Now it is a 'club' set-up; you pay a fee and get a discount and such. I have so much inventory right now that I am trying to get rid of, I have no interest in buying anything else right now. If you would like to get any TLC kits at a GREAT price please let me know... I'd love to sell some of my stuff!!

Many of the other consultants have already joined other companies but I just don't think the consultant thing is for me... maybe I've just never put the work in to make it successful for me like others do, but I just don't feel excited about it.

I am EXCITED about our MISSION ACCOMPLISHED over Spring Break. We got the baseboards and molding painted and attached in the basement and then got working on the garage!! It actually looks like a studio/workshop now. We have some minor things to work out (where to put those darn bicycles?!) and hopefully after careful spending and budgeting (that's a whole other post!) I can restock my clay and glazes and get to work!! Yippee!!

We had a Final Four Party Saturday night with some of hubbys basketball players. Unfortunately, UNC got beat by Kansas... big bummer!!

Also, got a picture in the mail of the afghan that I made, it looks great on her couch with one of her cats sitting on top of it, sounds like she really likes it!

I hope to post some pictures soon, family (belated) Easter pics, spring tulips, a clean garage and maybe more!

Have a great week everyone!


Dewdrop said...

That stinks for the TLC folks.

Way to go on your MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

Courtney said...

Glad you got your to do list accomplished! Can't wait to see those belated Easter pix! Enjoy the rest of your week. :o)

Jan said...

: )