Friday, April 25, 2008

He turned ONE!!!

How has it happened?? My little baby turned one on April 18th!! Friday on his actual birthday he was not feeling good at all :( He had a fever and very grumpy, teeth bothering him and just all around not a happy boy. I had gotten him a cupcake for that afternoon. He was just like his sister was, when he got frosting on his fingers, all he wanted to do was shake it off... too cute. He had no interest in the whole singing and cupcake deal at all.
(Courtney, I tried to get a shot like you did on your site but I was not as successful as you.)

We were so afraid that we were going to have to cancel his party, but when he woke up Saturday there was no fever, he was in a great mood and certainly back to himself!

Some friends were unable to come at the last minute so it ended up just being family and we all had a great time. Again, he did not want to dig into the cake. Instead he was happy being fed with a fork, no icing though, just cake.

He is going to be the best dressed boy in the area with all the great clothes he got. He also loved his new truck, now he doesn't have to push around sister's pink and purple car!! Thank you so much to everyone!

The next day we turned his car seat around to the front... he wasn't sure what was going on, but I think he liked it!

And I'll leave you with our little clown... Last Friday they were finishing up a circus unit at school and the kids could dress like a clown, a ringleader etc. Thanks to Gran she was able to dress up as a clown and was so excited about it. She was just adorable!


Courtney said...

When I first saw the pictures of Trey's cupcake... I thought... hey, that cupcake looks familiar! :o) Happy B-day to your little man. Victoria makes a cute clown! My mom loves pottery...not making it, but buying it! We were just up in Clayton the other day and she bought some pottery. If you ever have some at Betty's my mom and I will have to make a trip up there! I should have known you would like my brother's motorcycle pix! :o) Have a GREAT weekend!

Jan said...

yeah! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the big boy!!! Wow! I can't believe a year has already passed by!

Dewdrop said...

Happy Birthday, Trey! Has it really been a year already?!