She had the kindergarten graduation and celebration yesterday. All the K classes had a few songs and poems that they recited and then they did a number to 'New York, New York' Victoria was chosen as one of the dancers and was so excited about it. She had been practicing at home and did a great job!!!
Then they all lined up and said their name and received a certificate. She also won the Bus Award for excellent behavior on the bus. From what we understand each bus driver chose one student and she won for her bus, their were very few Kindergarteners who won this. We are so proud of her and she is very excited about First Grade.
More pictures soon.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
No photos today....
But some recent adventures to share...
We've been going on some family walks in the evenings, such beautiful weather lately and Victoria loves walking one of our dogs (the other is too slow moving for our hilly neighborhood). So Sunday evening we start out and she has the dog... we go to turn the corner and as we got left, the dog goes right and down goes the girl! We had told her again and again to hold the leash with 2 hands but with only one hand on it she hit the road pretty hard. Both knees scraped up, her left shoulder and the left side of her face near her eye. Overall she's fine but that put an end to that walk pretty quickly, came home and got her cleaned and bandages up.
Then Monday she was ready to go again, we tried taking both dogs but brought back the slow one. She hung on with both hands this time but wanted to push the stroller too. I thought she had bumped a pine cone in the road...nope, it was a little turtle! She didn't hurt him so I picked him up and we brought him across the street to the lake. Wish I had my camera for that one, he was so little and cute!
Had a teacher phone conference yesterday, end of the year testing, she did above average in every area! One section was working with sounds and the requirement was to do 25 in 60 seconds, she got 57! I think she's ready for first grade! She's pretty excited about it already.
Then this morning I had an appointment with a trainer at the gym. I have gained weight since Spring Break and have got to get some nutrition assistance and change up my workouts. Well, he had a motorcycle accident yesterday! Thankfully he's ok, sounds like he was just being stupid. So I worked with another trainer and one of her clients, it went ok but not what I was expecting and didn't really give me the foundation that I was hoping for so we will see what happens next with all that!
Last soccer game of this season is Saturday, then we're going to watch the Rome Braves baseball game that evening! Should be lots of fun.
P.S. If you are in the ATL area, turn on 11Alive news tomorrow morning from 5-7am and check out the little birthday boy's picture! A little late, but that's ok!
We've been going on some family walks in the evenings, such beautiful weather lately and Victoria loves walking one of our dogs (the other is too slow moving for our hilly neighborhood). So Sunday evening we start out and she has the dog... we go to turn the corner and as we got left, the dog goes right and down goes the girl! We had told her again and again to hold the leash with 2 hands but with only one hand on it she hit the road pretty hard. Both knees scraped up, her left shoulder and the left side of her face near her eye. Overall she's fine but that put an end to that walk pretty quickly, came home and got her cleaned and bandages up.
Then Monday she was ready to go again, we tried taking both dogs but brought back the slow one. She hung on with both hands this time but wanted to push the stroller too. I thought she had bumped a pine cone in the road...nope, it was a little turtle! She didn't hurt him so I picked him up and we brought him across the street to the lake. Wish I had my camera for that one, he was so little and cute!
Had a teacher phone conference yesterday, end of the year testing, she did above average in every area! One section was working with sounds and the requirement was to do 25 in 60 seconds, she got 57! I think she's ready for first grade! She's pretty excited about it already.
Then this morning I had an appointment with a trainer at the gym. I have gained weight since Spring Break and have got to get some nutrition assistance and change up my workouts. Well, he had a motorcycle accident yesterday! Thankfully he's ok, sounds like he was just being stupid. So I worked with another trainer and one of her clients, it went ok but not what I was expecting and didn't really give me the foundation that I was hoping for so we will see what happens next with all that!
Last soccer game of this season is Saturday, then we're going to watch the Rome Braves baseball game that evening! Should be lots of fun.
P.S. If you are in the ATL area, turn on 11Alive news tomorrow morning from 5-7am and check out the little birthday boy's picture! A little late, but that's ok!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.
My dad & brother met us at Shogun Japanese Steakhouse. (My mom was out of town visiting my grandma) The food was so yummy and Victoria loves watching them cook, she even requested a volcano because the last time we went the chef didn't make one.
Turns out I have a strained arch in my foot. So slowing down at the gym and going low impact for a couple of weeks, some new arch supports for my shoes and a pain reliever. Hopefully these things will help and the pain will soon be gone!
Off to fix breakfast.
My dad & brother met us at Shogun Japanese Steakhouse. (My mom was out of town visiting my grandma) The food was so yummy and Victoria loves watching them cook, she even requested a volcano because the last time we went the chef didn't make one.
Turns out I have a strained arch in my foot. So slowing down at the gym and going low impact for a couple of weeks, some new arch supports for my shoes and a pain reliever. Hopefully these things will help and the pain will soon be gone!
Off to fix breakfast.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
In the last week...
So much has been going on!
I'll start with the concert... SO MUCH FUN! The 11 of us plus our awesome driver met in Cartersville and headed to ATL. Traffic wasn't too bad until right around the Arena...but we got a decent parking space and went on to eat at the CNN Center. My friend and I had tickets separate from the rest of the group so after eating we went on to our seats. Daughtry had started playing and played a great set. I like his songs I've heard, but we don't watch American Idol, so not a crazed Daughtry fan like others we saw! I just saw on his site that his last stop with Bon Jovi was the ATL shows so I guess we are lucky to have seen him.
On a side note, I have to add a few antics that happened with my friend (who is adorably pregnant).... she thought Daughtry was about to play the trumpet at one point.. nope, just a megaphone. Then she thought Richie Sambora was Jon Bon Jovi's brother. :) Then it was my turn... like I said I'm not a huge Daughtry fan and when he played they did not use the jumbo screen and I really had no clue what he looks like. So then some guy comes out and starts singing with Jon... I had to ask, 'Who is that??' It was Chris Daughtry of course... well now I know what he looks like, lol. They sang AWESOME together! I did not get any pictures at the concert but some of the others did, hope to get a copy of them soon.
A huge thanks to Becky for getting the van and driver, to Tracy for being a great hostess, and to my friend Amber, for just being you!!
Here's a picture Victoria took while I was getting ready and one of me and Amber on the way to the concert.

So then the next day, up at 6am, worked at the shop and got home just before the bus, then off to teach that night, home at 9:30pm.... long day!
In the mean time, a friend had called earlier in the week to see if I would want to work with her at a catering job over the weekend. We got it worked out so the kids were taken care of. So I worked 5 hours Friday and then 5 more Saturday helping prepare a dinner for 225 people at a dinner theatre. Unfortunately I missed a get together with my family for my brother's birthday, but I did come home with a bit of $$.
Sunday was a meeting about upcoming events at Betty's Back Porch and yesterday was deciding that we are going to have to spend about $600 to get the transmission on the truck worked on, yikes!! But thanks to the Money Makeover that we've been working on, we will have the money for it. Woo hoo for us!
Saturday morning, hubby was working our little garden and getting it ready to plant later that day.... some storms were rolling in and the clouds were SO COOL!! I had to grab the camera and get a shot! They were smooth and curly and moving very fast. We did get some rain a bit later and soccer was canceled but the garden was planted that afternoon.

Jenn, do these have a certain name? A friend also saw them and her son just finished a weather unit in school, he was very curious about them.
And here's a cute shot of the boy.
I'll start with the concert... SO MUCH FUN! The 11 of us plus our awesome driver met in Cartersville and headed to ATL. Traffic wasn't too bad until right around the Arena...but we got a decent parking space and went on to eat at the CNN Center. My friend and I had tickets separate from the rest of the group so after eating we went on to our seats. Daughtry had started playing and played a great set. I like his songs I've heard, but we don't watch American Idol, so not a crazed Daughtry fan like others we saw! I just saw on his site that his last stop with Bon Jovi was the ATL shows so I guess we are lucky to have seen him.
On a side note, I have to add a few antics that happened with my friend (who is adorably pregnant).... she thought Daughtry was about to play the trumpet at one point.. nope, just a megaphone. Then she thought Richie Sambora was Jon Bon Jovi's brother. :) Then it was my turn... like I said I'm not a huge Daughtry fan and when he played they did not use the jumbo screen and I really had no clue what he looks like. So then some guy comes out and starts singing with Jon... I had to ask, 'Who is that??' It was Chris Daughtry of course... well now I know what he looks like, lol. They sang AWESOME together! I did not get any pictures at the concert but some of the others did, hope to get a copy of them soon.
A huge thanks to Becky for getting the van and driver, to Tracy for being a great hostess, and to my friend Amber, for just being you!!
Here's a picture Victoria took while I was getting ready and one of me and Amber on the way to the concert.
So then the next day, up at 6am, worked at the shop and got home just before the bus, then off to teach that night, home at 9:30pm.... long day!
In the mean time, a friend had called earlier in the week to see if I would want to work with her at a catering job over the weekend. We got it worked out so the kids were taken care of. So I worked 5 hours Friday and then 5 more Saturday helping prepare a dinner for 225 people at a dinner theatre. Unfortunately I missed a get together with my family for my brother's birthday, but I did come home with a bit of $$.
Sunday was a meeting about upcoming events at Betty's Back Porch and yesterday was deciding that we are going to have to spend about $600 to get the transmission on the truck worked on, yikes!! But thanks to the Money Makeover that we've been working on, we will have the money for it. Woo hoo for us!
Saturday morning, hubby was working our little garden and getting it ready to plant later that day.... some storms were rolling in and the clouds were SO COOL!! I had to grab the camera and get a shot! They were smooth and curly and moving very fast. We did get some rain a bit later and soccer was canceled but the garden was planted that afternoon.
Jenn, do these have a certain name? A friend also saw them and her son just finished a weather unit in school, he was very curious about them.
And here's a cute shot of the boy.
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