I have some time before I have to pick up dd from school. Too tired last night to add much.
I had a great weekend scrapping with friends, that's a picture of our cropping crew of 'Meatballs' :)
I also got to talk to and catch up with a great friend from high school! We haven't talked in months and it's such a small world! He is in New York and we found out that he has been ordering products from a company that a scrapping friend owns in GA... he's been ordering from them for over 5 years! So i got to tell him that I am sitting next to the owner of the company, he was amazed!
The Rollercoaster comes from the pictures I was scrapping. In the pictures I am almost 10 weeks pregnant. Then I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. How do I scrap these when at the time we were all so happy and had no clue our lives were about to turn into a nightmare. My dd is even wearing a 'big sister' t-shirt in many of the photos. Those are harder to look at than the pictures of me being pregnant. I'm glad that I was surrounded by friends while scrappimg these pictures, most of them didn't know specifics, but I'm glad I wasn't alone, don't know if I would have been able to get through them. Unfortunatly I still have dd's 3rd birthday to scrap and that was about a week and a half before my miscarriage. My due date was Feb 22 and it didn't help matters that I was working on these pictures on Jan 22nd, I should be 8 months pregnant.
The gym kicked my butt this morning, but it felt good!
Ok, that's long enough for now!